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Nice Platform! Since your my Favorite Anchor... Impatiently waiting for your New Book... Hope you give an update once in awhile on The Cuties Winston & Clementine

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Yay! So happy you started this. First time using this also! Hope to see you on here more often!

What Spiderverse character would you describe yourself as? I’m very curious to know 😂😅

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Haven’t seen the new one yet -- but I loved the first film

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Hi Jake, I am truly your #1 fan, just ask my grandchildren. How do you balance your time and energy into one day? I appreciate all you do. Good luck with the new book. I can’t wait

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I can’t explain it I think I’m like a 33 1/3 record played at 45 thank you so much XO

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Hi Jake, Missing you on The Lead today. Hope you have a great weekend. Will be watching SOTU on Sunday. Wanted to ask if anything is happening with the case for CJ Rice? Haven’t heard anything from you about it. 🙏🏻👍❤️🙋‍♀️

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HEY THERE! Had to take a day off after all that live coverage monday and tuesday... Back on SOTU Sunday morning. When there's news about C.J., I will share, I promise. Lots of efforts continue. Thank you!

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You definitely deserve time off. ENJOY!🙋‍♀️

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Missed you on Friday Jake. Can’t wait for your book to arrive. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Will you be on SOTU tomorrow?. If so I will be watching. Love the Tic Toc with Alice and Clementine. Beautiful!!

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Oh Jake, I am so heartbroken to hear about the passing of Winston. Heartbroken for you and your family. Winston had the best life and love that any doggie could have. Sending love and hugs. RIP Winston Tapper. May his memory be a blessing

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My favourite words on this are “forever free”.

Look forward to more words from you in this more words forum. Ur da best, Bestie. 💜💕

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Jake - Truly glad to see you here and I'm very much looking forward to the new book. I read The Hellfire Club when I was up late nights with my infant son. They have become go to gifts for my stepdad (I even got The Devil May Dance signed for Father's Day 2021)

Okay, so here is my question - who do you think wins the following match ups?

Batman vs Wolverine

Spider-Man vs Batman

Daredevil vs Batman

Spider-Man vs Daredevil

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Batman wins battles 1-3, daredevil wins 4 because he’s willing to kill

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Thanks Jake! You're my very first sub stack. Looking forward to it.

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