Murdoch may hold the patent, but I have to say CNN has perfected the BREAKING NEWS FREAK OUT … complete with giant scary all caps flaming animated background graphics for everything from rainstorms to shark attacks. We live in the age of crying wolf journalism
I just got to the killer bees part of the book! It reminded me that in the early 80s or maybe early there was a few movies about killer bees. Scared the shit out of me! Especially since my older sister is incredibly allergic to them that could actually kill her. All bees are killer bees in her world!
I also remember a sensation about “Africanised bees”. I’m guessing now that was probably the story Murdoch was pushing. Nothing like a heaping spoonful of racism in your scare campaign!
haha! If you have not already, check out the "Black Mirror" episode, "Hated in the nation"
Murdoch may hold the patent, but I have to say CNN has perfected the BREAKING NEWS FREAK OUT … complete with giant scary all caps flaming animated background graphics for everything from rainstorms to shark attacks. We live in the age of crying wolf journalism
I just got to the killer bees part of the book! It reminded me that in the early 80s or maybe early there was a few movies about killer bees. Scared the shit out of me! Especially since my older sister is incredibly allergic to them that could actually kill her. All bees are killer bees in her world!
I also remember a sensation about “Africanised bees”. I’m guessing now that was probably the story Murdoch was pushing. Nothing like a heaping spoonful of racism in your scare campaign!